Guide by Ed Snell – Project Support & Development at NatureSpy
There are seven mustelid species in Britain: weasel, stoat, American mink, polecat, pine marten, otter and badger.
Species in the mustelid family typically have a long body, short legs and thick fur. All mustelids have scent glands (with the exception of sea otters), which are used to secrete messages to one another: this may be to mark a territory or find a mate. Most mustelids are carnivorous; however, their diets can be more omnivorous based on what’s available locally and seasonally. For example, small mammals often make up a large proportion of a pine marten’s diet, but in the summertime, fruits may also be on the menu.
A combination of similar body shapes, elusive and mostly nocturnal behaviours can make it hard to confidently identify mustelids – that is if you’re lucky enough to see one! Camera traps are frequently used for watching and recording mustelid activity, as they operate discretely, 24/7.
In this guide, we break down the distinctive characteristics that set different mustelid species apart through illustrations and videos. We also share some top tips for camera trapping different species, some recommendations of camera traps that are excellent for the job and our go-to camera trap settings for monitoring a wide range of mustelids.
We cover all but badgers in this guide as the stripy black and white face of a badger is unmistakeable, that said… keep reading to the end for some bonus badger footage.
The weasel is the smallest member of the mustelid family but relative to its body size it has a stronger bite force than a lion! This impressively powerful little mustelid is widespread in Britain. They are a territorial and solitary species, predominantly feeding on small mammals and usually nesting in abandoned dens of their prey.
Weasel identification
How do you camera trap weasels?
Weasels live in a variety of habitats including gardens, woodlands and farmland. Due to their tiny size and speedy movement, they can be a tricky species to catch on camera. Camera traps with sensitive and fast triggers are much more likely to capture weasel footage. In woodlands, weasels sometimes follow linear features like old walls and fallen trees, so those can be good places for camera trap footage.
Stoats are widespread in Britain and, similarly to weasels, they are territorial, solitary and tend to nest in the dens of their prey. Rabbits are a key part of the stoat’s diet. In the colder, northern parts of their range, some stoats turn white – known as ermine – in winter, giving them better camouflage in snow.
In the southern parts of their range, stoats tend to stay brown year-round.
In cooler climates, some stoats turn white (ermine) in winter but keep the black tail tip.
Stoat identification
How do you camera trap stoats?
Stoats live in variety of habitats, including woodlands, grasslands, gardens and farmland. They scan their environment in a zig-zagging way, covering a lot of ground. Hedgerows and woodland edges can be good places for camera trapping stoats, as they tend to avoid being too far out in the open.
As the name suggests, American mink are a non-native species to Britain. They were brought over for use in commercial fur farms in the 1920s and were later recorded breeding in the wild in the UK in the 1950s. There is a native mink species in Europe – the European mink (Mustela lutreola) – but this species does not live in Britain.
American mink identification
How do you camera trap American mink?
American mink are semiaquatic and spend much of their lives in and near to waterways. The banks of rivers and streams are the most reliable places to see them on a camera trap as they will often skirt along the edges of waterways. Also look for natural river crossing points to aim a camera at, such as fallen trees or branches.
Polecats prefer lowland areas and are mainly present in Wales, the midlands and southern England, along with several other isolated pockets in Scotland and England. Historically, polecats were heavily persecuted in Britain, leading to their almost complete extermination by the early 1900s. Rodents and rabbits make up a large part of a polecat’s diet and they are less territorial than other mustelid species. They commonly den in rabbit burrows in the summer and in/near to farms in winter.
Polecat identification
How do you camera trap polecats?
Polecats mainly live in lowland areas, yet are present in a diverse range of habitats, including woodlands, grasslands, gardens and farmland. Woodlands in valleys can be a good option for camera trapping polecats, as there’s plenty of options of trees to attach a camera to, and camera trap security is often less challenging in woodlands (just make sure you have permission from the landowner!).
Pine martens have had a challenging history of persecution and habitat loss in Britain, but recent conservation efforts are seeing the species make a comeback. Pine martens have a varied, omnivorous diet, including small mammals, birds, insects and fruit. Much of their activity is at night-time, in and near to woodlands, where they den off the ground in elevated cavities, such hollow trees. They are a territorial species and a single pine marten’s territory can cover anywhere from 2-30km2, which means they can be challenging to come by in some areas.
Pine marten identification
How do you camera trap pine martens?
As a territorial species that can have vast home ranges up to 30km2, searching for pine martens can be a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Woodlands are usually the most reliable places to catch a pine marten on camera.
Pine martens communicate with each other through their droppings (also known as scat), and inadvertently they’re communicating with people too, giving us an idea of where they are active. They will often scat on forest roads and tracks, as these are prominent locations for them to communicate with one another. Scats can be a good indicator of where to install a camera trap nearby, however the likelihood of finding scats is less common in areas where there are fewer pine martens, so if there’s no scat to be found, that doesn’t mean they’re not there!
It’s often helpful to use a camera trap on video mode when camera trapping pine martens, as this can make it much easier to see the unique shape of their creamy-yellow bibs to tell individual animals apart.
Otters are a semi-aquatic mustelid species found in rivers, wetlands, marshlands and coastal areas throughout Britain. Poor water quality and habitat loss caused dramatic declines of otters in the UK in the 1950s and 1960s. The banning of certain pesticides, protection of the species and conservation efforts have helped otters make a comeback over the past 60 years. Otters mainly feed on fish and they den near to water in cavities called holts.
Otter identification
How do you camera trap otters?
River and stream banks are a good places to observe otters with camera traps. Camera security can be an issue in some situations, so it’s often better to attach the camera to a tree on a bank using a cable lock where possible.
There are a couple of unique challenges with camera trapping otters:
Camera trap setup
There are several key features of trail camera to consider for mustelid monitoring.
Photo vs. video. For simply detecting presence of a species, photo mode works well. To observe behaviours, video is best.
Clear night-time images. All British mustelid species are largely nocturnal in their activity, so having sharp night-time footage is important for accurate identification and observing behaviours.
A camera with a fast, sensitive trigger is especially important for recording weasels and otters:
Below we list some of our favourite camera trap models for mustelid monitoring based on our fieldwork experience through projects such as the Yorkshire Pine Marten Project and Alladale Wilderness Reserve’s mammal monitoring.
Browning Recon Force Elite HP5 (all but otters) & Spec Ops Elite HP5 (all UK mustelids).
Browning Recon Force Elite HP5 trail camera
NatureSpy Ursus trail camera
The camera trap settings listed below are a good starting place for mustelid monitoring. We recommend tweaking them to suit different monitoring needs.
We couldn’t write a British mustelid guide and leave out badgers, their distinctive looks and behaviours are quite unlike any other British mammal…