As apex predators, birds of prey are a key part of healthy ecosystems, yet golden eagles and white-tailed eagles have been absent from their historic ranges in the Welsh landscape for over 150 years. Eagle Reintroduction Wales is an exciting project working on reintroducing both of these species to Wales. The project is being led by Dr Sophie-lee Williams at Cardiff University, in partnership with Raptor Aid, the Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation and Wildlife Trusts Wales.
When considering the reintroduction of wildlife into a region, there needs to be a clear understanding of how any changes during the species’ absence may impact their presence today. Eagle Reintroduction Wales sets out to provide evidence for whether the modern-day Welsh environment is still suitable for golden eagles and white-tailed eagles. This includes understanding the role of environmental factors such as climate change now and in years to come, as changing environmental conditions can impact the suitability of landscapes for breeding eagles. With eagles being absent from the landscape, the study of model species that are present in Wales now is also a key component of this research, as ecologically-similar species can provide insights into the potential success of eagles once again living in Wales.
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