IIECCO are assessing Andean bear distribution and habitat use in Calipuy National Reserve in the Peruvian coastal desert. This exciting research will reveal how the bears use this habitat, informing management plans for coastal bear populations and and contribute to the Peruvian National Conservation Plan for Andean Bears.
Located in the La Libertad Region of Peru, Calipuy National Reserve is situated in the Peruvian western Andes, which is characterised by montane shrubland and coastal desert habitats. Little is known about the Andean bear populations in this area and how they utilise these habitats. Consequently, these bear populations have not been officially recognised within the species range designated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Frequent bear sightings reported by both rangers and local residents, suggest that this population may be the southernmost among the western Andean bear populations and possibly one of the last connections to the central Andean populations. To learn more, the team are using trail cameras to better understand the occupancy of bears and their activity patterns. The information gathered through this study will provide valuable insights into the utilisation of this habitat by the Andean bears. Findings will contribute to the development of specific management plans tailored to the conservation of coastal bear populations, and to the Peruvian Andean Bear National Conservation Plan, specifically towards the accuracy of the distribution of populations, identifying human conflicts, and providing training to authorities.
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