Musekese Conservation is a not-for-profit Zambian run organization established in 2017 in response to the increasing trend and severity of illegal poaching that is having an enormous impact on populations of elephants, large carnivores and their prey base, as well as other ungulates in and around the Kafue National Park (KNP). Musekese Conservation in the first instance is an intervention designed to secure and protect these populations within the Musekese-Lumbeya Intensive Protection Zone (ML IPZ), a 2724km2 area within the Kafue National Park.
Their core focusses are Law Enforcement and Ecological Research. Regarding Law enforcement, they have identified, recruited and trained 3 full time anti-poaching teams and equipped them with the necessary skills and tools to effectively stop illegal poaching of wildlife in the ML IPZ. There is a plan to increase this number to 5 full time anti-poaching teams. Regarding Ecological Research, they have recently set up a research programme that collects data on all large carnivore and large herbivore populations within the ML IPZ, both to establish baseline population estimates and population trends over time, and relate these to their anti-poaching efforts. This allows them to quantify the effectiveness of their anti-poaching efforts and allows them to make informed management decisions about how best to protect the wildlife within the ML IPZ.
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